As we embark for our annual family camping trip to the sea, I am busy packing all things necessary for us to keep warm, fed and busy (games, crafts, books) as well as some important Mum items which include; these, a new handmade journal, sketching book, a timely arrival of this, various knitting projects and walking shoes...I am excited to do my annual craft project with the kids (stay tuned) and spend time with friends and family.
This time of year, as we embark on a fresh, new horizon, seems to bring some longing for shift, change and focus...and somehow the sea seems to make me see more clearly.
Since resolutions have never quite worked for me, I tend to be left feeling like I did not live up to a promise to myself (never mind not wanting to tell anyone for fear of inquisitions on how things are going with that 'resolution') little word of intention was a simple, quiet and constant for me throughout the year.
Dear Trust
I have held you close all year and you have been a beacon of strength and reassurance,
you are not forgotten & will stay with me now more than ever, for you have brought me to a new space and you quite simply made this gal a wee bit stronger.
Last nights sketching/painting in my journal titled; 'She had the whole world in her hands'...
Thank you Trust, now make room for the next intention for it is soon to arrive, perhaps as I sit by the sea, cold wind in my hair (well, if I had hair), ocean crashing, mind clear.
So from the sea I am sending you wishes to your wee corner of the world for the most happiest of New Years, dear, kind ones, filled with all you love most and maybe a special word of intention?
If the Angel
deigns to come
it will be because
you have convinced
her, not by tears but
by your humble resolve to be always
beginning to be a beginner.