Monday, October 29, 2012

what it looks like..

the last few days have found us in the swamps with fevers reaching 104, sleepless nights marked by coughing, feet brushed with egg whites (it really does work for fever reducing), little boys who just want to cuddle with their Mum, weird dreams occurring during shorts stints of sleep, lots of water and ginger ale being consummed...well, you get the idea...being

especially after the high of a birthday...such is life when one is 7...and 45, I I did manage to squeeze in a creative endeavor today, of which you will have to stay tuned for an update tomorrow...
hope this finds you healthy and sleeping like a log, for that is a most delightfully, wonderful vision at this point....
happy dreams to you...not the type where your elementary school nurse is hovering over you with a thermometer and a rubbing alcohol cotton swab, wearing a clown nose and rubber gloves...yikes!
tata for now...
sweet dreams
fine folks.

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