My love for grapewood cannot be denied, this relationship I have with the twisting, curling, tough-hearted natural continues to evolve and grow. So it comes as no surprise that when I go pick out a whole new load, what a truly, absolutely fantastic, exciting day it is.

I did this just yesterday and oh my, what beauties I brought back to my studio. They are all so lovely, I cannot explain with words...each completely unique and telling a wee story of their own, whispering natures secrets on the wind, standing proudly, stopping time.

I sorted and examined, sipped some iced mint tea, sorted, held close to my heart, sipped, sorted and just sat with a glowing smile at all that surrounded me, then I sorted some more and said goodnight to my new studio mates and promised to return first thing in the morn to begin paving the path for their next life.
And so, tea in hand, off I go.
Toodleooo for now my friends.
Beautiful wood!