Saturday, December 21, 2013

Dishing it out...

Not sure about you, but my little counter space in the bathroom gets pretty cluttered with an array of earrings, necklaces, rings and such...this is despite my efforts to hang and put away my jewelry.  So here is a lovely solution, naturally formed, handmade jewelry dishes, these little beauties not only free up the clutter but add a certain style to that old countertop.  Hand formed and painted with silver and gold, stamped and sealed.  
Just what every gal needs...

In the shop now

 Sending merry and bright thoughts your way.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Circle running...

Do you ever feel like you run in circles?
Well, you are not alone my fine one...
Been a little absent from my blog space here lately, but sometimes since it doesn't really seem like there are too many awaiting my arrival, it gets hard to pop in and bring words of interest and inspiration when that is not always what is really, truly happening in this life....and who's reading anyways? Sometimes I'd like to ask 'Hey who are you and would you like to leave me a comment as you sip your tea and visit here?!'

But I suppose if you do not leave one it's because you're not up for comment chat, and well, that is just fine.
So in keeping with what seems to be a bit of a theme in my life these days, I have started a new line called 'Running in Circles'...and here is a sneaky peaky...I am in love with circles, with the raw and unevenness that is created when I hand forge metal and in the soft wrapping and simple design...
Listed soon in my wee shop

How do your circles run?
Happy Sunday you lovely one.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

simple and everyday...

Each contact with a human being is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it.
Anais Nin

It is in the simple, everyday actions that we, at times,  get lost in, but which are so integral to our being, growth and hope...
this my friends, is the precious life we live everyday...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Eight years...

 Eight years ago today the world became such a brighter place, it was after some major hiccups and life altering experiences you can read a bit here...but wow, 8 years...time seems to slip by faster each year. 

The cliche is really very true that you must enjoy these little ones while they are little... I find myself missing that baby smell and little feet, the way he used to grin in his sleep or that deep giggle at the simplest gesture..

this past weekend was all about his special day with some buddies and lego building, nerf gun capture the flag,  even a piñata and just boys being was so great to see his excitement and happiness in all of the festivities.

 After he went down to sleep that night I took one last peek in at him and in the glow of the nightlight, I leaned in close to give him a kiss and my heart warmed to no end, as there as he lay wrapped in the Star Wars sheets that were his Dad's when he was a boy, this warm soul and sweet boy was grinning.
Life is good.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The great, not so great and the truth...

 In case you are not aware, my most talented and hard working husband is building me a 'shedio' (no that is not a word, but I have coined it and so it's mine)...this has been a great dream and labor of love, along with recycled, found, given and bought for such a steal, you would think that is what I did, materials...we are rounding the final turn...however, as exciting as it has all been to go through this process...

it has also been a not so great experience in the creative dabblings realm. 
Not sure why, but for some reason I have put all endeavors with hammer, brushes, paints, canvas, journals, well you get it...on hold.

Why this is, I am not I holding out till I 'move in'? Am I waiting for the floods to open when I enter this new space? Clutter makes a hard creative companion and so the clutter of getting all my 'stuff' ready to move has rendered me immobile...and well, that is a frustrating place to be.

 the view from my shedio door and window (to be) 

 So, today, I decided to let it go...let it be, it will come...and that is the bottom line, the honest truth my lovely ones...if you push too hard I believe you will just topple and fall...step back, take a breath, steady your step and you will be ready to move on strong.  
That's that.  How you doing over there you bright shining soul?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

dusting off...

random ponderings...

'Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life'
~Pablo Picasso

ain't that the truth my friends?....
how you doing over there? divine one?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

ode to the odd girls...

i have always loved an odd girl...
in many realms, 
odd hair, 
odd clothes,
 odd shoes,
 odd attitude, 
odd approach... 

not sure what defines odd, 
but it's something just outside the 'norm' to me...
i have been working on a series of 'odd girl' tiles,
 from reclaimed, 
up cycled tiles from a job site, 
which my hubs brought home and exclaimed
 'i think you will find something great to do with these'...
love that man...
so i have and here is a little sneaky peaky...
hey, just wondering...
are you an odd girl?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

little reminder...

Just a wee reminder for you on this fine weekend...

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Something happens at this time of year, as much as I enjoy Summer and the warmth of long beach days, barbecue gatherings, late mornings lounging in PJ's...there is something so comforting in the arrival of Fall, when the air turns crisp, the days are shorter, the warm glow of the fireplace, brisk walks to really is a wonderful time of year.  This Fall I look forward to all of the above and more...
I enter this season with many intentions and thoughts of things to are a few:
walking with family after early dinners
creating in a brand new space where the light and the quiet are dreamy
taking care to make comforting foods, soups and vegetables for my family
self care by way of yoga, exercise and time in sauna regularly
more herbal tea
travel and exploration close to home with my little family
clearing my mind and closet

How's the start of Fall in your neck of the woods?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

i am where i stand...

and where i stand is on my own ground...
this is mine, a space all my own...
will you come join me?...
it's lovely here...

really it is...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Straight front and true...

square (sq'war)~ having a straight front; true; upright; honest; just

This is one of the definitions in my old vintage dictionary...and quite perfect, wouldn't you say?

It would seem there is a certain attraction to circles and squares in the work of my hands lately.

With the start of school has come some shifts and transitions as we busy ourselves once again for the time crunch of the bell in the a.m., then the afternoon quiet of homework, shuffling to sports and all things which occupy the lives of young ones.  

There is a coolness in the air and the seasons, well, as we know them in California, are once again coming to pass into the next...

With all the traditions and fun that Fall brings...I am focusing on
slowing down,
breathing a little deeper,
looking at what is right around me a bit closer,
and truly taking in the moments of wonder
that happen regularly. 

straight front
 and just...

How about you?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

I must be...

be a 
I have no 
of depths 
and a 

~anais nin

Brand new sari wrapped bracelets making their way into my wee shop over the weekend...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hoop on in...

I've been thinking a lot about hoops lately...and using the word 'hoop' in countless ways (most often in my head so as not to have anyone call the paddy wagon on me), you are thinking what the heck (interject 'hoop') is she talking about...let me tell you:

have a hoopy day
you are hoopin' hilarious
it's as hot as hoop out here
what the hoop?
this salad is hoopalicious
i really hoop i can do this

you get the idea...isn't it great how when a thought, vision, word comes into play, it can morph into so many interesting things...
now, get to the point, you say...

all available in my wee shop here

I have hoops on my mind...and on my workbench they keep a coming...
it's hooping great!

Hoop you doing?
ok ok enough

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Coming full circle

My old vintage dictionary defines the word 
Cir-cle- a round body; a plane figure bounded by a single curved line called it's circumference; a number of persons or things united by a common bond; to encompass; move in a circle.

I rather like these definitions, all of them...

Circles are something that I am drawn to...not sure if it is the simple line curvature which joins to meet at one point, perhaps it is the symbolic flow of life, maybe it is just the plain old fact that hoops and circles are cool in a simple and chic way...

And because they look so darn great with everything from an old t-shirt and jeans to that fav little black dress...

Each and every one is unique as they are shaped and forged by hand, some are a bit off and have an organic sort of I'mPerfect feel...and that my fine lovelies is a wonderful thing.
Pop on over here to see more.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

warmth and inspiration...

tomorrow i get to pack up with my wee family and head to one of the most inspirational spots for me...where tumbleweeds do somersaults in the dry hot wind and sand whirlwinds up into small tournedos and blasts of dry hot wind tousle your locks and warm your soul..where the living is slowed purely due to the temperature and one has no choice but to bring things to a calm and peaceful kind of living for a, as much as i have been busy on new work and meeting with buyers and all that comes with new creative endeavors...i am so happy to be spending days frolicking and playing, hugging and hanging with my little, amazing ones and purely taking in all that is left of this fast moving is to breathing it in and enjoying every darn second of it all...wishing you a happy, warm, summer's end you fine lovelies...
 wrap bracelets coming to shop next week...
 drop pearls on hand forged circle...
new line of Jumping through Hoops designs...
all in the shop this coming week...i promise...
go gently 
kind ones

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


There has not been too much traveling happening over here this summer...
sights are set on a wee staycation at the end of this month, 
otherwise we've been spending time together pretty close to me thinking of the whole nesting thing and how important it is to be happy and comforted by your surroundings...
so naturally a creative off shoot from this would be something to remind us and bring us back home so to speak...
and how about if you could wear that little reminder around your neck?
Available in the shop by Friday this week....

Beware this little lovely will make you smile and hold your head a tad bit higher when you wear...go ahead..for you truly are quite lovely.

Monday, July 29, 2013

a long way to go...

I tell you that I have a long way to go before I am—where one begins….
You are so young, so before all beginning, and I want to beg you, as much as I can, to be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questionsthemselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.
Resolve to be always beginning—to be a beginner

 this poem was recited at our wedding over 13 years ago...and i find myself coming back to it again and again...for true words are wonderful to find...and my work resonates with this mantra...gotta love Rilke's Letters on Love...  
all work shown herein will be available for purchase in my wee shop within the next 2 days
how you doing over there in your neck of the wonderful woods?
i hope summer is treating  you most kindly...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

soft and tough...

do you think of yourself as pretty tough? 
i do...
sometimes you just have to be in life, love and everyday existence...
however, it's also pretty cool to be so many ways as well...practicing softness makes for peace and calm within the tough spots.
soft and tough...
those are pretty good traits to possess...don't you think?

so here you have it lovely, fine's the soft and tough designs, I guess you could say...
busy hands over here...
hoping you are enjoying these long days of summer and doing all that you enjoy with those you love.
go gently

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lake love...

 Just back from a most quiet and relaxing visit to a, this may sound quite simple and just plain matter of fact...but truth be told, that ever since I was a wee young gal going to summer camp, I had not been to a lake since roughly the age of 13...and my, it is quite clear to me now, that a good lake can do wonders for the mind and soul.

Paddling around in the still calm of crystal waters, nothing on the mind except making it to the little deserted alcove beach...warm sun on my back, collecting sticks and rocks with young ones and sipping cool drinks as the sun goes down...

long walks and chats with a woman so dear, one and only sister love...journaling and planning future goals...indeed, this was a good time.
Hoping your summer is divine.

Friday, July 12, 2013

strength building...

well, i would delight in elaborating on weight training and extensive aerobic exercise to follow through on the above blog title...however, sometimes life, itself, as you well know, is just a plain old simple strength builder...
so far in the last month, the dishwasher took a dive, my windshield was hit by a catapulting rock on the highway and the crack  is now spreading like a wild snake which will need replacement, which of course, is not a simple fix/remedy, given that the antennae, is for some strange reason, built into the glass in vehicles designed and built in the UK...then there was the fact that the brakes went out on said auto, and the price to fix is lending thought to purchasing a new means of transportation all together (although I love my girl on wheels)...hmmm, then there is summer, as lovely and dreamy as it can be at times, it is draining and overwhelming at times as well, since we limit techie time over here, it makes for getting anything or everything done very minimal...all good...but sometimes frustrating as i like to think i am building strength..but mostly i am just trying to find it...bottom line.
i know i know, gratitude and appreciation...i do practice both, just sometimes it's nice to vent a tad thank you for listening...
how you doing over there?