there is something that happens to me when driving into the desert...if you have not been there it might be a little hard to understand, but a feeling prevails in the air, on the ground, it quietly envelopes you in the silent breeze of desert calm...i am taken everytime, i fall in love on a different level each trip, and usually do not feel as though i am there long enough, i crave more...and it happened again this weekend.

i am swept away by that feeling only desert sand, warm breezes, lazy ways and dry air, the oh so, clear evening skies stir within me... with so many stars the sky simply looses it's black and turns to a large eclipse of silver sheets...i drove at sunrise and watched to my left, as a great orange glow preceded the most amazing arrival of the sun, and glancing to my right were tumbleweeds happily drifting over the sand, pops of cacti awaited the warmth of the day, not one person or car in sight, no movement but my car sliding down an empty highway...i was moved in my much i stopped the car, stepped out and listened to the still silence which is a stranger to me these days...the sweet lack of sound, then it came, a swirl of desert sand and wind drifting past me like a a desert dream.
so i am welcoming the new design series Desert Dreams...first one was gently placed on a shelf in the shop just today...more to come, stay tuned.
have a simply wonderful day and go gently...
as though being carried by the desert breeze...
still lily
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