Wednesday, October 31, 2012

happpyyy halloweeeen...

here's sending you witchy wonderfulness 
and ghoulish goodness on this halloween to all you fine lovelies...

Monday, October 29, 2012

what it looks like..

the last few days have found us in the swamps with fevers reaching 104, sleepless nights marked by coughing, feet brushed with egg whites (it really does work for fever reducing), little boys who just want to cuddle with their Mum, weird dreams occurring during shorts stints of sleep, lots of water and ginger ale being consummed...well, you get the idea...being

especially after the high of a birthday...such is life when one is 7...and 45, I I did manage to squeeze in a creative endeavor today, of which you will have to stay tuned for an update tomorrow...
hope this finds you healthy and sleeping like a log, for that is a most delightfully, wonderful vision at this point....
happy dreams to you...not the type where your elementary school nurse is hovering over you with a thermometer and a rubbing alcohol cotton swab, wearing a clown nose and rubber gloves...yikes!
tata for now...
sweet dreams
fine folks.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


It seems like not very long ago at all, he was wrapped like a burrito in a hospital blanket, that sweet baby smell...I miss it so...
wasn't it just yesterday that he came home to sleep in the bassinet next to our bed only for a few days then had to return to the NICU for heart surgery?
 wasn't it only yesterday that I laid awake with knots the size of watermelons in my stomach?
 that I cried so hard and from a place in my heart I never knew existed?
 that I wondered so many things about the nature of life,
the why's and what's and how comes?
wasn't it just yesterday that he ate his first solid food?
...giggled that infectious giggle,
 walked on the beach,
wrote his name,
started pre school,
 learned to ride his scooter?

All those countless people who told me how fast time would go when you were born
my dear amazing son...
they were quite right.  
Filled with so many wonderful, breath taking moments,
all of them (of course some frustrating ones as well)...
but for each moment I must remember and I do my best,
to try and cherish, bask in your warmth and happiness...
for you are the most...
well, really, there are no words to describe...
my heart is filled and grows each day...
Happy 7 Year Birthday
sweet one.

Monday, October 8, 2012

mud makes me happy...

This past weekend I woke up in the dark, made a kale smoothie, loaded up my family...

sunrise on the way...

(yes, that is duct tape so my shoes don't get sucked up by the mud)

met up with some wonderful gal pals and I ran in a Mud Run, I have never ran a marathon, nonetheless an obstacle course in the mud and sludge...but let me tell you, it was awesome!

 I am not a runner by nature (prefer yoga and swimming and such) but I trained a bit for this run and in that process I have grown to like running a little more, am I going to run everyday & start signing up for marathons...nope, but the whole running thing is rather therapeutic.

(it appears i am alone, but because they stagger the start there are not a lot of people running so no i am not coming in 1st or last!)

In life we have to focus and most of the time live in our 'stuff', when running I let go and there are no real thoughts in the old noggin...just the rhythmic sound of my feet, breath and whatever song is coming through my earbuds. 

 This run was as challenge and through the process of physically pushing myself, I learned that it really does feel good to set a goal and reach it, to push hard for something and reap the benefits both physically and mentally.  
I liked the mud, I liked the sludge, I liked running to my own beat, pacing myself and conquering the next obstacle be it barrels in muddy water, tubes uphill in the dirt, rope swings over deep mud, crawling on all fours in sloshing brown was truly fun.
Having my little family there with me, and friends who I did it alongside with (well, they were ahead a bit if truth be told) was even a better part of it.  My wee ones got to watch me emerge a dirty mummy mess but a happy one at that, for I had done it! 

donated shoes get cleaned and given to needy folks around the globe

 Dr. Brunner's soaps had a foam shower down after, it was so cool

there were some sights to see...

 and after a clean up and change, there was a free beer afterwards for all the runners!

Your weekend might not have been so dirty, but I am hoping it was just as fun!

Friday, October 5, 2012

one of a kind...

 There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.  And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.
~Martha Graham

Have a downright lovely weekend.
you are one of a do know this, yes?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

quiet pondering & rabbit holes...

What I am actually saying is that we need to be willing to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly.
~Shakti Gawain

Well hello there, it's been a bit quiet here lately in my wee space...
"Have you fallen down a rabbit hole? " you might ask (surely you must think so, as pictured below)...
Well, no, but who doesn't want to sport a blue dress once in a while and follow Alice into a world of adventure and imagination? (ok, no blue dress)

I have found myself pondering though about so many things these days...
about following intuition, really listening, paying close attention and giving it time to unfold, trusting the unfolding.
 I have stopped visiting blogs that shimmer and shine with a faint hint of unreal life... if you know what I mean.
I have found myself feeling so small in it all, trying hard to not compare and contrast my life and all that I do/have...
not doing it anymore, no way.  

Because really, all we have at the end of the day is our real lives and I do the best I can, love what I have and am so thankful constantly, while continuing to challenge the safe zones, explore, stay true and real to myself and those around me.  
 I quietly ponder it all.  

That is what I came here to say, if it seems quiet around these parts it's due to this simple pondering.

It is necessary to have quiet moments in time...all the time, would you agree?

Hoping you are simply fine wherever you may be.