Carly Simon sure had it right when she sang, so many years ago, that she could see clearly now the rain has gone...here in Southern California we have experienced some unusual October weather in the way of lightning storms, thunder and rain...and it is really rather magnificent, to say the least. Everything is green, clean, fresh and feeling fall-like. Our weather changes here are subtle compared to other parts of this country, however, they are all I have known, and it is always refreshing to experience the change in seasons and the shifts into new pockets of the year.

I am seeing more clearly these days, as life takes busy turns with wee ones and their needs and priorities become so clear, and the time spent with them is so important, letting some other things fall to the side is just a natural occurence, of which I accept. I still struggle with the balance of it all, but embrace the resolution of completely being present for them and the attention they require. Around these parts we are shifting and making changes to our living environment and I realize that once you make some choices to move forward, you don't realize how stuck you might have been...now I do. The unstuck feels wonderful, the plans and decisions for our home/yard which FZ and I make together have been overdue and seeing our plans come to life lifts my heart and makes me smile.

On another note, some designs have made their way back from space and have landed on my wee doorstep in the country not far from the sea....soon, to land on a shelf
Hope all you little lovelies have a splendid day.
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