So here we are again, another Thankful Day to celebrate, but really, I celebrate everyday that which I am Thankful for, this is just a great excuse day to eat a wee bit more, and drink with friends and family. We are staying put this year, starting our own traditions, no running around, but rather I shall take on the role of turkey and major meal cooker, which I love, by the way. Now that we have taken over my parents' home, I sometimes go through some strange feelings about cooking and performing the rituals of the holidays in my mother's kitchen, however, she does come over and we have fun in there together, my daughter has taken to assisting as well and we have new recipes to try out tomorrow, one of which is a double layer pumpkin cheescake, oh yeah, it's all good. So the traditions do get passed down, sometimes it is bittersweet, the empty space at the table where my Dad sat still makes my heart drop, the void which will never be filled is not something this one can put into words to describe. However, life does go on, life does fill us up, children provide the abundance of what we miss at times and so we go forward...I shall revel in the warm, wonderful scents of the kitchen tomorrow, and even though it is where I will spend most of my day, I am happy to be there, with my little gal beside and my mother to help, this is life and it truly is something to be thankful for.
Hope your day is special and filled with love, happy times, family and good friends.
Ta Ta for now.