Friday, April 19, 2013


'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.'
~Marianne Williamson 

Here's to brilliant, gorgeous talented & downright fabulous one...

Bon Weekend

Thursday, April 18, 2013


To sew or paint? I asked myself this morning...hmmm...
then it came to me
Sew AND Paint silly girl...
here's wishing you a day filled with all you enjoy.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

glimpse in the moonlight (nightlight)...

today was filled with what most days are filled with...
wake up
utter words of adoration to wee ones who are still sleeping
stuff lunches
set breakfasts on counter
homework packed
all in place 
before 7:15 a.m.
out the door
then the creative dabblings of a mum trying to focus throughout the day...
pick up from school
race to cub scout outing
lovely gem and minerals museum
open house at school
such lovely feats of intelligence viewed and shared
dinner out at a restaurant
glass of wine
talk amongst us
just our family of 4
joking on each other
tree climbing outside the restaurant
rolling like barrels down a hill 
with sprinklers full on
more laughing
then home
and in a single moment of quiet blissful, routine...
the most amazing and heart warming moment 
of the day
both of their silohettes outlined by the moonlight nightlight in their bathroom...
as they brushed their teeth
i laid on his bed looking on...
astonished at my luck
taken back by the calm 
the warm glow
the wonder that surrounds me
and i realized in one second
how amazing my life is
thanks to them...
and so it all comes full circle
and i am such a wonderfully happy lucky girl...
good night you lovely folk...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

10 tidbits...

10 Things 
(that you didn't know about me)

1. I actually do not really like to talk on the phone at all.

2. I lived in Hawaii for over 10 years and made the most amazing friends a girl could ever ask for, I miss them very much.

3. I struggle with guilt around being a good mom and making the right choices.

4. I don't like chocolate.

5. Sometimes I get lost on blog hops and get down when I see the perfectness that seems to be some peoples lives...(working on not doing that, no one's life is perfect).

6. I have a clog collection.

7.  I have a scarf collection.

8. I love to cook but not to bake.

9. I don't do so good in large crowds or with loud noises.

10.  I love to read but feel like I don't have enough time to open my books. your turn.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


well, call it springtime, call it some overwhelmness (not sure if that is a word), term it hustle bustle, kids, school, biz, heck let's just call it happens and sometimes I find that it is not always easy for me to come  here, even though i would like to be one of those prolific writers and go on and on about the realizations and clarity moments in my life...basically sometimes life sucks...and up until about a week ago that is pretty much the way the cookie was crumbling...and let me share a wee little secret... this cookie crumbles pretty well...

as a result...'simplify, simplify' has been, and is my motto of late...
purge, clean out, clear the shelves and make things...well... simple, my friends...
does it not make you think much clearer when your space is cleared? duh
i seem to create messes everywhere i go (throughout my home that is), i have various creative endeavors in progress and then start something new (metal metal metal)...
then i have a mess going with that and cannot seem to focus or see the forest for the trees...
so i retreat...
then get mad at myself for doing so...
then slump it out and wonder why i am not doing what i truly want to do...
and so it goes...
 i told you...
crumbly mess...
why i am writing this post? 
no idea...
am human
how are you?