Sunday, May 22, 2011

fresh turn...

of a page...with a new journal comes new awakenings, new light, new breath, new colors, feelings, to name only a few...

this weekend brought me insight, calm, love of meself, trust (that was a mantra all through the day), inspiration...and so much more.

Colors, textures, raw sense, feeling, touch, beauty...and yes, trust, again.

I do so love a handmade life...

N'est pas?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

yoga for gardening...

it has become quite clear that yoga is most beneficial and handy when planting and tending to hardy lovelies on a very steep hillside...all this digging and planting, stretching, balancing and watering...breathing deep sighs of gratitude that i did not tumble down the hill...
ahhh the bliss of it all, the zen of succulents sitting happily in dry soil, not asking for much, just a wee wink & a nod... simple to tend, downright easy to should always really be this simple.

Don't you agree?

Monday, May 16, 2011

something to long for...

My creative work space is cramped & quite uncreative...I cannot deny it, nor can I fool myself. I have configured and adjusted and modified all that a gal can, and still, it is situated in our living space and is cluttered...causing me in turn, to feel cluttered. One cannot create in a zone of clutterness, it is just not right. So, I had to get savy as space in this home in the country, not far from the sea, is limited. I went outside the box, no literally, I went OUTSIDE this box and figured out that there is a lonely piece of land in the yard just calling out for a creative space to be built...honestly, I sat down on the dirt and I heard the trees whisper 'bring us a shed to watch over' I promise. Although, it may also have just been such a deep rooted desire to have some space of my own that caused little voices in my head. Whichever the case, it is starting to happen, FZ even told me today that he has the wood to frame my new shedalicious zone!:) I am scouring for recycled windows and am feeling giddy with excitment...oh the shelves, table, couch, rug, cork board, I think I want a chalkboard is swimming deliciously through my mind.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

taking some time...

It seems so easy to get caught in the rush of it you feel that? In the everyday go go gets a bit much at times and feels like a tornado passing by (continuously)...all it seems one can hear is the whirlwind of life which often gets overlooked and underenjoyed. By resuming my yoga practice at the start of this year, I have found that my time is slowing, just a little mind you...not that it is actually slowing but I am slowing and taking some time. In doing so, it has become clear that there are many things awaiting my awareness and ready to take flight, these were bypassed before and in the bustle of the hustle never even were noticed.

Now is that time.

Here's to hoping you take some time to hear the wind, not the whirlwind, but the real wind, the one in the trees, passing by dropping a whisper in your ear, blowing pollen through your garden...
Go gently you fine folks.
Still Lily

Friday, May 6, 2011

11 years...

11 years ago today was a most amazing day...friends and family met on the grass to listen to live music played by a dear friend, soak up the sun and as my dearest Dad, rest his soul, walked me down the grassy isle, everyone joined us as we said some short lines written from our hearts and another dear friend married us to the sound of applause and laughter by all! What a road it has been and still so far ahead to travel!

I love you FZ!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

cook book love...

I am loving my new Super Natural Every Day cook book which arrived a few days ago...biggest dilemma is what to make first...the recipes are amazing and simple and the photos are beautiful. I have turned to Heidi's blog countless times for ideas and inspiration and now I have my very own copy...

What are you cooking these days?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

have boots...must travel...

That is, travel to new places right here at home...does that make sense? well, it does when you take into account that sometimes the things we need to do to push us into that next place are RIGHT under our own noses...and so, for a few weeks now there has been much flopping and flipping around and not really knowing where things were going, but thanks to a wise friend today who provided direction and a goal to set in place...I think this gal will be moving out and beyond...feeling inspired and lifted. Funny how friends can be right at the right place at the right time and give us just what we needed. Love that...quite simply defines why they are friends, I suppose.

So here is to traveling beyond, right here....a good day to all and to all a calm space.