Tuesday, March 30, 2010

doing more...

I looked to the west and here is what i saw...

then i turned to the east...

Recently I read a quote that went:
'If you only do what you know you can do-you never do very much.' Tom Krause

I like that...and am taking it to heart, hand, mind, soul, well the whole deal.

So, here is to doing more of what we don't know and learning to expand to new places with ourselves. Life gets so busy, and I don't know about you, but over here in my wee world, the days pass very quickly and everything seems to be zipping by in a flash. Slowing down to listen, look and feel a bit more will only do good.

Can you relate? What do you do to slow down?

Go gently.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

lovely wild things...

i realize we are a bit late, well, in the way of movies that is just common around these parts...however, we rented (and soon will buy, something we never do) the most wonderful, heartful, sweet and very message driven movie (which I am sure you have all seen by now) Where the Wild Things Are...i probably need not say that this has been a favorite book around this country home by the sea, for many many years between both wee ones, a girl and a boy...this movie brought me back down, to reality in many ways, to slow down ways, to stop and listen ways, to really look at things with open eyes ways, to see through the eyes of children ways...love love loved it so much, made me cry and laugh and ponder, which are often good to do all within a small time frame.
so as i say, i am quite sure you have seen it, but if you have not, please treat yourself and do so, if you have, well, won't hurt to do it again!
have a dreamy evening lovelies...

Monday, March 22, 2010

little here...little there...

these days i find myself captured by canvas, paints, old books and time spent at my new paint table...i have no formal training in the way of painting on canvas, i learn and grow as i go, which is rather fun, as i have no clue of where a piece will take me. rather grand to just let things manifest as they will...such is a good reminder in life as well, yes?

so although i must do a shop update and get some new work up on my wee shelves, i thought i'd share a glimpse of somethings to come~maybe in the shop one day?...if i muster up the courage to open that door...hmmm we'll have to see (that's me pondering the possibilities of such atop my hillside)

now you go gently and have a delightful day.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

dinner of champions...

i chop, i mix (homemade salad dressing, must go to comment inquiry for recipe), throw in bowl, lovingly consume with a glass of pinot grigio...this is a good life... the pic below is of a view looking into the creative lounge/art room from the patio at sunset...where heARTs are set free, creating is
made easy & oh so fun...

love love for a divine evening to all.
still lily

Monday, March 15, 2010

oh so sweet daylight savings...

it's that time of year again, change those damn clocks
and all is thrown off here for a few days...
but on this first daylight savings of 2010, the longer day combined with the warmth of summer-weather, was all enough to make this gal a happy one...as well as two small wonders who surround me so lovlingly...

as wee ones frolicked in the late afternoon sun, and time stopped still, all routines were forgotten and lost...we were swept away in the glorious sun and fun of a long day of art and faraway lands...
well, for a spell, then we kicked it into gear and resumed our evening rituals,
so sweet and comforting...life is pretty darn grand.

If you only do what you know you can do-
you never do very much.
~Tom Krause
sweet dreams
still lily

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I am honored to be featured in this lovely treasury by my salvaged life...simply lovely combination of findings, makes me want to run barefoot in the forest and live amongst the trees...

Have a lovely Friday.

Monday, March 8, 2010

creative rising

these days i am drawn to this new wee space which recently came to be, a simple table & a reclaimed-reloved chair (before and after pics coming soon). Here is what i have been working on in this new corner of my world...

have a colorfully creative day!
still lily

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

all in a day

so so many times when i am with my wee ones, i am in awe at their mini-me-ness...how much a mirror they are of me and FZ...of course, they are, for they are us, in a smaller version, but really, it is truly amazing and at times leaves me without words (not something i am used to) for it is pretty remarkable...

...so as this twenty ten year finds me slowing down, taking it all in, and trying not to get so overwhelmed...i find beauty in the little things, art everywhere, and downright marvelousness all around...there are new creative ventures on the horizon for which i am most excited (let me just hint that these hands are splattered with beautiful shades of paint)...but for now, i take a breath, enjoy, and relish in the moments that surround me...
a toenote: these pics are taken near an old bridge which has been blocked, thus appearing as we are walking down the middle of a hwy...a closed down hwy
have a lovely evening
still lily