Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Eight years...

 Eight years ago today the world became such a brighter place, it was after some major hiccups and life altering experiences you can read a bit here...but wow, 8 years...time seems to slip by faster each year. 

The cliche is really very true that you must enjoy these little ones while they are little... I find myself missing that baby smell and little feet, the way he used to grin in his sleep or that deep giggle at the simplest gesture..

this past weekend was all about his special day with some buddies and lego building, nerf gun capture the flag,  even a piñata and just boys being was so great to see his excitement and happiness in all of the festivities.

 After he went down to sleep that night I took one last peek in at him and in the glow of the nightlight, I leaned in close to give him a kiss and my heart warmed to no end, as there as he lay wrapped in the Star Wars sheets that were his Dad's when he was a boy, this warm soul and sweet boy was grinning.
Life is good.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The great, not so great and the truth...

 In case you are not aware, my most talented and hard working husband is building me a 'shedio' (no that is not a word, but I have coined it and so it's mine)...this has been a great dream and labor of love, along with recycled, found, given and bought for such a steal, you would think that is what I did, materials...we are rounding the final turn...however, as exciting as it has all been to go through this process...

it has also been a not so great experience in the creative dabblings realm. 
Not sure why, but for some reason I have put all endeavors with hammer, brushes, paints, canvas, journals, well you get it...on hold.

Why this is, I am not I holding out till I 'move in'? Am I waiting for the floods to open when I enter this new space? Clutter makes a hard creative companion and so the clutter of getting all my 'stuff' ready to move has rendered me immobile...and well, that is a frustrating place to be.

 the view from my shedio door and window (to be) 

 So, today, I decided to let it go...let it be, it will come...and that is the bottom line, the honest truth my lovely ones...if you push too hard I believe you will just topple and fall...step back, take a breath, steady your step and you will be ready to move on strong.  
That's that.  How you doing over there you bright shining soul?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

dusting off...

random ponderings...

'Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life'
~Pablo Picasso

ain't that the truth my friends?....
how you doing over there? divine one?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

ode to the odd girls...

i have always loved an odd girl...
in many realms, 
odd hair, 
odd clothes,
 odd shoes,
 odd attitude, 
odd approach... 

not sure what defines odd, 
but it's something just outside the 'norm' to me...
i have been working on a series of 'odd girl' tiles,
 from reclaimed, 
up cycled tiles from a job site, 
which my hubs brought home and exclaimed
 'i think you will find something great to do with these'...
love that man...
so i have and here is a little sneaky peaky...
hey, just wondering...
are you an odd girl?