Wednesday, January 25, 2012

on hats and breaking through...

it is a bit of a mystery but for some reason since the age of around 9 i have knitted...however, in all the years (it's quite a few years, mind you), all the yarn, all the work has ever resulted in have been scarves, long scarves, short scarves, scarves that get sewn together to make cowl neck scarves, sure, i got creative and made some wrist/arm warmers and even a headband, but never have i learned to read a pattern, or understand knitting lingo...i am not saying these things because i think it rather admirable to just stay in a wee box and just do what you know/are comfortable with, au contraire mes amis, i guess there is a bit of charm in just teaching oneself ladadada, so low and behold, i went out and bought myself some needles on the round (this, before was a very daunting act),...took a few tries and many pots of tea, but here she is my first hat ever (still needs to be sewn at top)...
this brings me to a point and back to this idea...i trusted i could do the hat thing (which, btw was pretty silly easy), i must trust that i can make and bring to completion the other creatives of which i do so can happen...with trust.
what might you be trusting in these days?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

a lovely sharing...

i was touched by this and hope you find it a lovely sharing...
may you never forget to remember those things of utmost importance to you, for they are often right where you are...
happy thursday

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

rock solid intention...

because there is not one single being as amazing as you...
personalized just for your unique intention, life, soul...
in stone...
right here

Monday, January 9, 2012

the right time...

Well, it would seem there really is no better time than a fresh, new year to start fresh, this is a wee little preview of something sparkling new heading into the shop...

We all have our own, personal, wonderfully unique & special ideas about our lives, loves, desires, goals, get comes that word again...our own intentions....
and since, in my humble opinion, it is sort of nice to have your special word/idea close at hand to glance at, giggle, remind thyself, be calmed by, stay focused with, and well, just keep on knowing....
so, because i care about your little intended word for the year...i am creating personalized intention tiles and stones....tiles are reclaimed, so not to sit sad and lonely in a local landfill...and well, because there is nothing quite as delightful as the cool, smooth texture of sandstone, all
stones/rocks (not shown here) are lovingly collected for their smooth, raw beauty from the coast of California.
Along with your own unique word or words will come specific favorite color schemes or any other personally significant details just to comfort your wee soul and make you smile.
*Oh and one more delightful side note, all Vintage Kimono Silk Pins in the shop are on sale for January, just because they make any outfit downright beautified and we all deserve a special treat!
Here is hoping you have a splendid day filled with all things you enjoy...or, at least a significant amount of them.

Friday, January 6, 2012

lovely intentions....

i need a bigger workspace...but i love to work here
with the idea of 'intention' in my mind i am finding it hard to concentrate on anything else...and so, i found myself today in a beautiful state of was blissful and insightful, remarkable and musical and get the idea...this is gonna be a great year..i can feel it in my wee bones...
and this is what 'intention' looks like...

I listened to this today and wanted to share you doing where you are? feeling good about this new year?
wishing you warm thoughts, giggles, clarity and some quiet time in your space of the world....

my daily calendar says:
Kiss more,
touch more,
hug more.

so go do it!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

word for a year...

I, like so many, do subscribe to the thought that a word for the year is a wonderful thing...I cannot give you my words of years past or how I have a track record of the remarkable ways that word worked for me and took me to new heights, for there is something about me that, at some point in the year lets the word slip out of my mindset and vocabulary.

There are so many things of which I do creatively that I do not follow through on, so many avenues untraveled and ideas un-nurtured and as a result I just become overwhelmed by all I want to do and have done, but do not know what direction to go with them all.

So, I have been spending the last 3 days of this brand spanking New Year mulling over words, I find myself distracted in Yoga thinking of my intentions...odd as that might seem.
I would like to expand, stay focused, be present, feel lighter of heart, laugh more, resolve, be true, and well, the list really could go on...however, I have decided that the word of the year for me is going to be...are you ready?
drumroll please...
my heart
just to name a few...

what is your word for the year?