i have come to the conclusion, that i am a stumped blogger of late...by this, i mean that i have not been too certain what to post or share, i have been busy with new creations and doors that have opened to places that i really must explore, this has in part, kept me quite busy, not to mention keeping home and biz afloat...and at times it feels like days slip by and all that needs doing, barely gets done...and so, you say, that is life young lady, now move along.
on yet, another random note...
our surroundings have such a huge impact on us, our work, our creative flows, attitudes, peace of mind, our whole being...really, and this old house in which we live needs some serious work, this is keeping me from feeling a lightness or freedom and so, this is a time to push forward through that and get to the other side, get it done, as overwhelming as it seems. i was thinking that maybe i will start to post progress and befores and afters, then maybe, just maybe, softly and creatively it will force me into the mode of completion, something to report and be accountable for...we shall see.
a lonely, empty veg/herb planter...
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