Monday, December 19, 2011

simple things...

it is in these simple moments...when time stops and it becomes so clear...
all of the wonderful things that surround, and for which i am most thankful...
sending you heartfelt smiles, warmth and joy

Monday, December 12, 2011

everything will be fine...

it was much too early to rise on a weekend, however, as FZ slipped out to surf (wayyyy too cold in my humble opinion) i rose in the darkness and near freezing temperatures inside a home, to begin my christmas present making...every year i choose something different to make, last year sugar scrubs, homemade lip balm (will be brewing up another batch this year too), and i was excited to get into the kitchen and begin my process of was lovely to be in the quiet, stillness mixing and blending, christmas tree lights on, essential oils and warm tea in the made me realize how special this time is, and how, when not in the bustle of outside life, it truly is a time to give and be so thankful.

that was i went to yoga where we worked on various 'release' techniques... upon the closing of class, our most amazingly, wonderful instructor simply said 'remember, everything is going to be fine'...these were the most welcomed and happily received words for this gal...

and so, i do believe it is, that everything really will be fine...
may it be so for you, wherever you are at this time of year...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


"Do one thing every day that frightens you"
~Eleanor Roosevelt

Feeling this quote like nobody's biz...
here is sending you fearless wishes and a most lovely evening...

Saturday, November 26, 2011


As the weather changes here in So. Cal and I am reminded, as is the case every year, that I am quite a weakling when it comes to the cold...there is no help in the fact that we cannot turn our heat on in this country home not far from the sea, for a family or small village of 4 legged pesty critters decided to take refuge below our abode sometime ago and it would appear that insulation and ducting are some top items of interest to these not-so-fine furry folks, so we go about our routines inside all bundled in woolen layers and scarves...

stop my heart....this reads 'I Love You Mom'
This is to say that the cold has brought me in, literally, within myself, to sit quietly, warmed next to the fire at night, I have been feeling something shift...there is change coming, is it the new year...who knows...but there is much laying in wait...for what this is...i have not a clue...perhaps you feel it too?

At times my feet feel so grounded, solid and strong, but of late, there is a element of quicksand that dwells beneath my footing, slow and quiet it moves around me, if I keep moving it still finds me...this too is shifting, working to make things stronger, solid and planted firmly, to simplify..

I just read this and rather enjoyed

Have a fine fine folk.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

testing and going mac daddy

sooo with the arrival of a most beloved and an assessment of our situation, we decided to have this lovely lady (amongst many things) help us in our transition to Mac...and I am quite happy to proclaim we will not be (pc)oming many things to explore and so much to learn, but that is all the fun of here is to art on the patio, tea in the morning and all afternoon, chats by the fire, warm socks, old sweatshirts, bonding and love of a girlfriend, cuddles and long chats about life, so comfortable words cannot deeply is she already missed...well, as much as the deep blue sea that divides us...until we gather again...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

crazy, wonderful dayz...

sometimes it's crazy hair days...and sometimes it's just crazy days...such is life and it's all good...things have been busy around these parts of late...friends from over the pond (the big ocean pond), creative dabblings, deep discussions, inexplicable meals being prepared, warm fires, red wine, great company, awakenings...just to name a few...hope the world is treating you right...ta ta for now fine folks.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

pirate dreaming...

It is official...I want to be a pirate.

I must say, I have rather enjoyed the wild red wig, flowy and sort of scraggly clothing, boots and lace, not to mention the belts and scarves...being a pirate has made me think (this is not to say the millions who were smitten and taken by Jack Sparrow (that is him behind me btw) have not had this very thought cross their minds, however, I have not had the luxury of watching those films) of how daring and adventurous it must have been to be a pirate back in the day...showing a more brash, rather wild side without mind to others...

Oh, to be a pirate...what are you dreaming of being this time of year?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

sunday meanderings...

this is 8 a.m. i have a new camera...of which i cannot believe i ever lived wihout...

where i go around 9 a.m. or anytime i can...10 a.m. till 1ish!

(he still loves race cars, even when building tracks for our wee man)

2:25 p.m.

we call him 'fat albert' he vanishes in the day and is the largest, most robust spider by sunset...just by accident, we abolished his web last night and woke up to a brand new deal, he was a busy spider guy all night weaving this wonder...

4:40 p.m.

i step down into the garden... i do believe that yellow tomatoes are beyond delicious.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

new and fresh...

hanging out happily over here

wishing you a divine, downright delightfully lovely day.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

rock love...

little glimpse of shop goodness to come...because really i cannot cease loving you...

Monday, October 10, 2011


i have many varying designs of them in my closet, i have been known to wear them often, i love them when the weather gets cooler, i suppose you have guessed that I am talking about...tights..yes, i said tights...because after all, skirts and such are made soooo much better with are some fun ones
compliments of this lovely space...

enjoy and get tightalicious!

Monday, October 3, 2011

brief escape...

We headed out on caravan with good friends Friday pointing 'Snits' eastward to the mountains ...what struck me as we drove was how long it had been since I had actually camped in the long, I cannot precisely recall.

If you have ever been, lived, presently reside or are from California you will understand when I say that this is a majestic and simply beautiful place, I am smitten and in love with this state, my heart was born and bred here, my soul still grows in these surrounds.

Palm trees seamlessly transform into pine trees and the air gets a bit crisper around each bend, as you curve along winding roads. Looking down into deep ravines alongside the highway there are small homes tucked in here and there and I envision the occupants and what they must do...I have always done this, even as a little girl, imagining a woman knitting on her porch, or hanging laundry while singing to her baby, nowadays perhaps technology has taken over and there are much more complicated computer workings happening, taking orders and communicating with folks in France or just up the road...still intrigues me.

Some years ago there was a fire where we camped here, and although it was all over the news and I saw the acres of trees and land being consumed by flames...the devastation never completely sunk in for me until I landed in the midst of remains just this past weekend. Years have brought rains and some new growth, green patches emerge here and yonder, but there is a quiet, still beauty in the trees that stand, black and burnt, but still holding strong. Holes have been left where once they were solid, but still, they hold themselves high and like pillars of history, never to bloom or drop leaves again, but not ready to leave their birthplace.

A graceful dancer...

I was humbled heart spread out over the rocks, branches and dirt, I lifted my head and gave a salute to the tall, burnt arbors of this place. I will be back...very soon.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Welcome Autumn...Come on in

Days are shorter, there is a crispness in the air, mornings are misty and dew drips from the trees, trickles and shimmers on cobwebs in the early light of day...this time of the year holds me in a calm, cool, quiet place. Even my tea seems more luxurious, warm and comforting.

Autumn carries us gently and prepares us for a shift in time, season, weather, a mellow transition between Summer to Fall

Welcome Autumn...come on in for spell.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

today i remember...

At 7:28 a.m. (California time) today I shared a moment of silence and shed some tears for those dear ones lost 10 years ago...even time does not take away the emotion and heart goes out to those today...the one's who are gone and those who are still here.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

horoscopes and remembering...

Growing up my father always read me my horoscope from the daily newspaper, when I was younger he would read what the little paragraph had to say and predict and then he would elaborate something funny into the end and make it all sound like it was together...

Even after I moved out of the house, he would at times send me clippings of them in the mail with little notes and highlighted areas that he saw related to me directly...I loved hearing the predictions, opening the envelopes with the small square of newspaper inside, and knowing that he was thinking of me everyday.

Dancing at my wedding

7 years has passed since he's been gone, may his big, kind-hearted soul rest peacefully.
Then, yesterday, on his memorial, a funny thing happened, a good friend (who never knew my Dad or our little tradition) told me that she had to send me along my horoscope (her daughter shares the same month as my b-day) and she receives them on her iPhone daily ( a concept my father would have had some strong commentary about), as it was so right on for me at this was not until I opened the email and realized not only was she was right, but how the very act of her sending it was so timely and pulled gently at my heartstrings.

Here is what it said:
You have a special talent, Gemini. It might be as an artist, a singer, or a dancer. Or it might be as a mediator, a mathematician, or a counselor. Whatever it is, though, you have underestimated yourself. You have probably heard from scores of people that you have something special, but you don't take it to heart. But now it's time to explore and pursue that gift of yours and take it to the next level. The universe is offering you special support and inspiration for your untapped talent.

My Dad would have liked that one and I am sure would have added something like
"and you need to wear more deodorant" at sunset yesterday in front of my father's memory bench...

Here's to you Dad, and me and all the memories.
All my heart and love

Monday, August 29, 2011

quiet place

There is a quiet stillness that has landed here around me today, and I am rather relishing in it is called 'back to school'...
and although the summer has been very fun filled with children running wild with activities and adventure (I have at times, just run wild)...this is blissfully peaceful for now and I am soaking it in and pondering on things to come, creative ideas are flowing and unraveling inside.

I hope you are enjoying some calm and quiet wherever you may be.

Proceed gently.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

daddy's girl

right in the middle of a home repair (note tools)...FZ stopped all he was doing to perform a much more important task..painting nails..and btw he is the preferred nail polish application expert in the house.

Monday, August 15, 2011

more august breaks

And as a bit of a random this if you want to live a kick ass life