Friday, July 16, 2010

breathe deep...

i am not sure where i came up with the theory that summer was relaxing...probably because back in the days it was...the days of working at night and having time to myself to read, relax, do lots of yoga and basically ponder on things for a time period longer than 2 minutes throughout the day...

lately summer has been a bit of a whirlwind of activities, all of which are quite delightful, but making for days filled with hustle and bustle to and fro...
so today was a great diversion from the busyness...
it included to name a few:
making bread
& homemade salsa
playing barbies and army guys
reading and then watching a french book & video with wee ones
pool party in salt water (what a treat!)
chopping & grilling vegetables
making 4 new designs for a new line to arrive tomorrow in the shop
watching the sun go down on the patio with fz

taking the time to breath deep and relax...
now, that is my kind of summer day.

how was your day?

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