Sunday, June 23, 2013

These days...

I am busy listening to her...and well...enjoying Summer with wee ones, outings, sunshine and fun...
how are things on your end of this wild world? do tell...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Another year...

It would seem that another year has come to pass and so shall one get added to my age soon...birthday's are a strange and quiet thing to me now, for with children come the excitement, fun and festivities around another year passing & the anticipation of becoming another year older...
as i sit amazed at the speed with which the year zipped by, I try to put into place the things i have done in that year behind me...

did i do all i set out to? 
did i take time to take care of me? 
did i meet my potential and go past any of those walls that seem to pop up in my way? 
did i  listen less to the voice of doubt, to that stinkin thinkin that sometimes takes over? 
was my year filled with as much love as one needs..meaning giving and receiving, did i reach out enough and tell those i loved them that i do? 
did i give up the things i wanted to?
 did i let go a bit more of the sadness from loss and fill that space with light? 
i do not care for fanfare around birthdays, but rather would like to find some quiet, bliss and calm to surround myself,
and perhaps i shall do just that...

Monday, June 3, 2013


Well, it would be quite clear that as of late, this blog is but a dream..meaning it hardly seems real...sometimes it is a push to come to the table (or keyboard) and flow with thoughtful, helpful, interesting tidbits of material...sometimes life just zips by in spurts of getting laundry done, groceries, bills, daily stuffs and wee, coming here is not always an easy task...and then mix in trying to balance creative time, lack of creative space and well, sleep....hmmm seems like it's a bit of a venting zone here right now...

new by Still Lily Designs
I  am very taken these days with metal, silk and the flow of designs in my mind...and
 then trying to find a way to make them all come 'real'...
so here's to the dream, the one that brings you light(ness) and clarity and makes you wake up feeling like a star, like you can do anything...dream away fine folks...dream away...