i am a california girl, by that i simply mean that i am born, bred and have grown roots in southern california, however, along the way i have traveled and lived for a spell in various locations...always returning to sunny california, do i love it...of course, i do dare admit that at times i tire of the sun (i know i know you are sitting somewhere cold, rainy &/or snowy and thinking what an ungrateful gal) but at times the heat and the sun, as wonderful as they are...just make me want a change...
& i do so love the rain...
..so when i was at
artfest a few weeks ago in port townsend, wa, where it rains, well as you can imagine, quite a lot, or most of the time, i was in a bit of a state of bliss, the skies were gray and the rain fell pretty constantly, the green, growth, blooming and overall feel was pretty wonderful...i walked on the beach most everyday and took in the change of environment around me with a welcomed heart...
the sand and ocean were rugged, clouds hung low covering everything in the most luxurious shades of gray...the pine trees stood tall right at the shore like large pillars of history holding their own against the rough weather and cold air....
on my first day of walking on the beach i thought to myself
'why how sad someone has littered here, or perhaps this trash has washed up on the sand'

for there scattered all over this stretch of beach were droppings of deep, colorful pink, coral colors, in the most beautiful shades, they stood out against the gray, grim coastline...as i approached one i realized, quite happily that this was not litter, not trash, nor a washed up remnant of some debris....what i came upon was something so divine and rendered me speechless...

from the sea, colors of such incredible depth and vibrancy...
drops of sunshine and warmth.
mother nature...you really do amaze me.