Wednesday, September 29, 2010

in the wee details...

sometimes you just can't help but stop...
open the mind...
and be still, in the wonder of it all...
and at that very moment...
don't you feel that you may never have loved
your wee life quite so much...and believe you, me, it
tends to happen often...

cheers to a great week you fine, divine, wonderous folk...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

happy trails...

we came upon a hidden spot
at the edge of a cliff in northern california...
parked Snits

stepped out on the cliff...and walked a mile or so,

had not an idea what we would find
a secret path
beckoned us to walk on
so we kindly, quietly, obliged
and what we found there at the end of our trail
we shall never forgetnot ever over time...
for, that is, my fine feathered friends,
what family, love, adventures and time well spent bring to us...
filling the heart, nourishing the soul. have a delightful evening.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


it is often when we get caught up in life, when we cannot see the ocean from the sand...when it all becomes too is then, that we have to return to what makes us whole, makes us full...untouched sand at sunrise, wee barefeet running in sand dunes with no direction or plan, quiet cuddles and muttles of wonderment, tales of castles, queens and dragons...may we all curl up on the sand and feel the warmth under our skin.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

at the end of the day...

after lovelies are dressed up...
prepared for space (in this case)... or other such adventures...
adorned with earthly treasures and armed with all they require...
well, it is at that time in which we sit down and have a spot of tea,
chat about life and hang out...
i do so adore my work
and the beauties that keep me company...
who in the big wide world, would not...I ask you? who?
will not be back till after LA and signing off to wish you a delightful weekend...ta ta for now you fine folks.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

out in space...

that is where i would like to be sometimes...oh wait...perhaps that is just where i am at times...especially of late, prepping for the show and enjoying it all...there is something so wonderful about music playing, hands making, mind creating, envisioning, dreaming, being somewhere else and making it all real... are you having a good day sweet, kind folk?

Monday, September 13, 2010

waves and ripples...

shot of untouched beachness wonder on trip in no. cal
this is how life feels at times...
comes in waves and ripples of wonder,
delight, amazement, stress
and overwhelmness all the same...
does it ever feel like that for you?

Friday, September 10, 2010

beauty came ashore...

stumbled upon a path
paved in old wood planks
still, calm, welcoming me on
i knew not where it led
reaching an opening
the wind whirled like mad out of nowhere
it came whispering secrets and tales of long ago
around another curve i found a graveyard of lost souls

quietly inviting me in
softly they spoke
of long journey's at sea
their beauty washed ashore...
to bask in the sun
i stayed with them till the winds slowed
felt their warmth
was moved by their presence...
as the sun set
i bid farewell
returning home
heart full
mind free

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

knit me a story...

view of my table while camping

when i was a little girl, my grandmother would visit for 5 weeks every year, to get out of the cold of canada and bask in the warmth of california sun, bake scones & cheese biscuits (of which were the best i have ever had), tell stories and teach me to knit...we would sit out under a tree in our front yard and she showed me the basics of purling, casting on etc...i knitted alongside of her as she would chat and tell stories, while once in a while glancing down at her work, and all the while i was lulled by the gentle, calming, tapping of her needles...she made wonderful sweaters and vests for me, my mum and my sister, and i would bury my face in the smell of the wool and her soft scent woven into the fibers. she had come to canada from the 'old country' ireland where her mother and her mothers mother had all knitted.

knitting took a back burner as i grew and moved into different interests, however, when i was pregnant with my daughter almost 9 years ago, i picked up some bamboo needles and began again to knit.

i am no expert, and i do need to learn more, however, i am teaching my daughter to knit too and hope that she takes to it as i did...and we can knit and purl our bond even tighter, as my grandmother did with me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

scenes from the road...

there is something that happens as you take the coast north in california...terrain drops into the sea, palms are replaced by pines, the air gets cool and misty, fog swirls and rolls in and around like a friendly ghost...there is a still that exists and a calm in the air. the wind blows so fiercely in some spots and lifts worries and cares out to sea. rocks and shells take on a whole new appearance, the sand is different in texture and feel, wood, sticks and tumbled remnants are abundant and tell stories of times forgotten.
inspiration and thoughts fly, for it is truly from nature that we must connect; feel the wind, the sand, the earth, the fog, trees, rocks, shells, ourselves...everything...
have a lovely divine tuesday you fine folk.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


there is nothing quite like coming home...
ones own bed, the familiarity of surroundings, the warmth of our big cozy couch, cuddles in the morning by wee ones in crisp, clean sheets, cleaning and sorting things, picking tomatoes ready to fall off the vine, watering lovelies who need tending to...
so with many wonderful memories and times shared and some photos to post (later in week), i am settling back into my wee life in the country not far from the sea.have a lovely weekend.