Monday, March 25, 2013


i have been busy growing over here...

so for the fine folks who visit me here this is a wee glimpse of what i am up to these days...and let me tell you this girl is smitten with the bug who has bitten...

Friday, March 8, 2013


'The quieter you become, the more you can hear.'
Ram Dass

Been a little quiet around these parts of late...don't you find that when you quiet down the 'stuff' in your mind it opens new pathways and frees you up? Well, now, I realize this is not a very deep or intellectual statement/realization to present, but sometimes its the simplest, most obvious that goes unrecognized...speaking for myself.
So, I have been practicing more quiet these days...
I have found lately that if I quiet myself while interacting with others, well, that helps as well in being able to hear what is really happening (and sometimes makes me realize I may not want to be hearing too much at all)...
listening to the silence
taking chances within
to move past what holds me down
for release into the unknown...

this stormy, rainy weather has me inside today and although there are plenty of mundane things to tend to, I am thinking a cup of tea, some paintbrushes,  old papers and a few odd gals to create might just be what is needed in these quiet times...
what are you up to in your neck of the woods? 

sending happy weekending thoughts your way.