Sunday, October 30, 2011

pirate dreaming...

It is official...I want to be a pirate.

I must say, I have rather enjoyed the wild red wig, flowy and sort of scraggly clothing, boots and lace, not to mention the belts and scarves...being a pirate has made me think (this is not to say the millions who were smitten and taken by Jack Sparrow (that is him behind me btw) have not had this very thought cross their minds, however, I have not had the luxury of watching those films) of how daring and adventurous it must have been to be a pirate back in the day...showing a more brash, rather wild side without mind to others...

Oh, to be a pirate...what are you dreaming of being this time of year?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

sunday meanderings...

this is 8 a.m. i have a new camera...of which i cannot believe i ever lived wihout...

where i go around 9 a.m. or anytime i can...10 a.m. till 1ish!

(he still loves race cars, even when building tracks for our wee man)

2:25 p.m.

we call him 'fat albert' he vanishes in the day and is the largest, most robust spider by sunset...just by accident, we abolished his web last night and woke up to a brand new deal, he was a busy spider guy all night weaving this wonder...

4:40 p.m.

i step down into the garden... i do believe that yellow tomatoes are beyond delicious.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

new and fresh...

hanging out happily over here

wishing you a divine, downright delightfully lovely day.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

rock love...

little glimpse of shop goodness to come...because really i cannot cease loving you...

Monday, October 10, 2011


i have many varying designs of them in my closet, i have been known to wear them often, i love them when the weather gets cooler, i suppose you have guessed that I am talking about...tights..yes, i said tights...because after all, skirts and such are made soooo much better with are some fun ones
compliments of this lovely space...

enjoy and get tightalicious!

Monday, October 3, 2011

brief escape...

We headed out on caravan with good friends Friday pointing 'Snits' eastward to the mountains ...what struck me as we drove was how long it had been since I had actually camped in the long, I cannot precisely recall.

If you have ever been, lived, presently reside or are from California you will understand when I say that this is a majestic and simply beautiful place, I am smitten and in love with this state, my heart was born and bred here, my soul still grows in these surrounds.

Palm trees seamlessly transform into pine trees and the air gets a bit crisper around each bend, as you curve along winding roads. Looking down into deep ravines alongside the highway there are small homes tucked in here and there and I envision the occupants and what they must do...I have always done this, even as a little girl, imagining a woman knitting on her porch, or hanging laundry while singing to her baby, nowadays perhaps technology has taken over and there are much more complicated computer workings happening, taking orders and communicating with folks in France or just up the road...still intrigues me.

Some years ago there was a fire where we camped here, and although it was all over the news and I saw the acres of trees and land being consumed by flames...the devastation never completely sunk in for me until I landed in the midst of remains just this past weekend. Years have brought rains and some new growth, green patches emerge here and yonder, but there is a quiet, still beauty in the trees that stand, black and burnt, but still holding strong. Holes have been left where once they were solid, but still, they hold themselves high and like pillars of history, never to bloom or drop leaves again, but not ready to leave their birthplace.

A graceful dancer...

I was humbled heart spread out over the rocks, branches and dirt, I lifted my head and gave a salute to the tall, burnt arbors of this place. I will be back...very soon.