8 years ago today at 2:11 p.m. our lives were changed, awakened, filled up, made brighter, I could go on and on with warm adjectives and still not convey the amazingness (a word I possibly just made up) of this little gal. Time does really go so very fast (as is repeatedly told to you when you become parents, and it really is true), here is to all this little gal has done and all she is to become...today we celebrate her (well, really she gets wee celebrations all week long!) and the wonder of her sweet presence or presents in our lives.
so many things become clear...so many ideas come to light when i can't figure out where i am headed...this is where i go to see what is right...
and then i take my time, stop, look with intent, listen with heart open, and somehow seem to be able to sense everything... it is in these moments...the salt breeze brushing by, stirring my soul...waking me up...like i have never been here before...the raw nature of it all, grounds me. and every little thing makes me stop and breathe...in a small moment, i embrace it all,
Unless otherwise noted, all photos, designs and text are by me. Feel free to blog mine but please link back to this page (and just drop me a note that you did so). Please feel free to email me for anything else. Thank you.